More Ways Chiropractors Help Range of Motion and Flexibility

Chiropractor and patient

The vertebra in your spine are held together by Ligaments & Fascia. The joints allow the frame of your spine to move freely while keeping your upright & stable. The ligaments act like 4 big pieces of gorilla tape. The fascia acts like a spiders web of interconnected tough fine string. Both together keep your spine secure & moveable. This system can be damaged either through injury, chronic bad posture, lack of movement or repetitive motion overuse. When this happens we need to correct the function and structure. Below is how we do this:

Spinal Adjustments

Chiropractor adjusting patient

Spinal adjusting increases the movement within the joint of the spine. This allows the spine to move freely. We may find 8 or 10 segments within the spine that are not moving well. Correcting all of the segments will give the entire spine much more movement.

Proper Muscle function & activation

Lower Cross Syndrome

The picture above shows someone who has lost proper muscle memory to his pelvic tilt muscles. The muscles in his low back are tight and fixated and the muscles in the abs are not activated enough. This does not mean he needs to take on a 6 hour a day workout schedule or run a marathon. To correct this issue lower and upper cross exercises would be demonstrated and performed mostly at his home. These exercises are relatively easy and take about 10 minutes to do daily until proper function is restored

Ligament stretching


Woman doing ligament stretches

Most of the time your spinal posture and structure is assessed via x rays taken in your normal standing posture. This allows for proper placement and sizing of spinal molding supports. These custom supports gently stretch the tight and rigid ligaments back to their original shape.

Once all three structures of your spine are corrected, you will have the best movement & flexibility that is possible within your limits.

Why We believe Elliott Chiropractic is the Best Chiropractic Center for You

Here at Elliott Chiropractic in Lenoir City, TN, we believe preserving health is the best medicine. With a patient-given 5-star rating, we proudly serve our patients by improving their lives with safe, comfortable, natural solutions. With over 20 years of experience, Dr. Michael Elliott and has seen thousands of patients over the past two decades and is dedicated to helping his patients feel their best. For all your chiropractic needs, Elliott Chiropractic has your back!

Contact us today at (865) 988-9815 to schedule an appointment.

Dr. Elliott and some of our staff

“Highest rated Chiropractor in East Tennessee”